Read the Bible in various languages in PDF format. It can be download and save on your computer. Click on the respective languages below to access the respective bible languages.
Brazilian Portuguese New Testament
Danish Danske Bibel 1871 Bible
Dutch Bible The Statenvertaling (State Translation)
French Bible Louis Segond (1910)
German Deutsche Elberfelder 1905
Hebrew Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia
Japanese Bible (Kougo-yaku) 1954/1955 in PDF
Kabyle Holy Bible New Testament (NT) Kabylian & French Parrallel Bible
Madagascar Malagasy Holly Bible Baiboly La Bible Malgache
Malay Indonesian Bible Alkitab Terjemahan Baru
Myanmar Bibleမြန်မာ၊သမ္မာကျမ်းစာ
Romani New Testament Bible E Lashi Viasta Gypsy
Serbian New Testament Bible Српска Нови Завет Библија
Uma New Testament Indonesian Bible Alkitab
Webster's Bible By Noah Webster 1833
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