Congratulations for being a New Christian. Are you wondering how do I start in reading the bible and understand the bible?
Below is a list of 40 Days Bible Reading Plan to have an overview of the Bible by reading some of the best loved passages. Set aside 10 to 20 minutes each day to read these scriptures.
Day 1-40 | Scripture | Topic |
Day 1 | Genesis1-2 | Creation |
Day 2 | Genesis 3 | Beginning of Sin |
Day 3 | Genesis 15;17:15-27 | God's Covenant with Abraham |
Day 4 | Genesis 21:1-7;22 | God's Faithfulness / Abraham's Faith |
Day 5 | Exodus 3-4 | God Calls Moses to Deliver His People |
Day 6 | Exodus 20 | The Ten Commandments |
Day 7 | Joshua 1 | Conquering the Promised Land |
Day 8 | 1 Samuel 16-17 | David and Goliath |
Day 9 | 1 Kings 3; 8:1-9:9 | King Solomon's Wisdom |
Day 10 | 1 Kings 18 | Prophet Elijah |
Day 11 | 2 Kings 25 | Siege of Jerusalem |
Day 12 | Daniel 2-3 | Daniel in Babylon |
Day 13 | Ezra 3 | Rebuilding the Temple |
Day 14 | Isaiah 9, 53,61 | Isaiah's Prophecy of the Messiah |
Day 15 | Luke 1-2 | Birth of Jesus |
Day 16 | John 1:1-18 | Who is Jesus? |
Day 17 | Luke 4:14-44 | Jesus Begins His Ministry |
Day 18 | Matthew 5-6 | Jesus Teachings |
Day 19 | John 3 | God's Love for the World |
Day 20 | John 5 | Jesus' Miracles and Authority |
Day 21 | John 11 | Jesus' Power Over Death |
Day 22 | John 15 | Christian Life Defined |
Day 23 | John 17 | Jesus' High Priestly Prayer |
Day 24 | Matthew 26-27 | Arrest and Crucifixion of Jesus |
Day 25 | John 20 | Resurrection of Jesus |
Day 26 | Luke 24 | Ascension of Jesus |
Day 27 | Acts 2 | Coming of the Holy Spirit |
Day 28 | Acts 9 | Conversation of Saul |
Day 29 | Acts 16 | Gospel Spreads to Europe |
Day 30 | Acts 26 | Paul's Defense of the Christian Faith |
Day 31 | Romans 3 | Justification of Faith Alone |
Day 32 | Romans 7-8 | Battle With Sin |
Day 33 | 1 Corinthians 13 | Way of Love |
Day 34 | 1 Corinthians 15 | Power of the Resurrection |
Day 35 | Galatians 5 | Freedom in Christ |
Day 36 | Ephesians 6 | Whole Armor of God |
Day 37 | Philippians 1:18--2:18 | Christ's Example |
Day 38 | Colossians 3:1-7 | Put on the New Self |
Day 39 | James 1 | Pure Religion |
Day 40 | Revelation 21-22 | New Heaven and Earth |
Another suggested good way to get started is to read through some of the key books in the Bible. Below is a list of suggested books to start off :
- John
- Luke
- Matthew
- Mark
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Romans
- Psalm 1, Psalm 23, Psalm 27, Psalm 51, Psalm 91, Psalm 103, Psalm 121, Psalm 139
- Ephesians